Drink Wine & Save Cats and Dogs
L to R. Paula, Emporium Wine, Mia, Lake Martin Animal Shelter, Henry, Emporium Wine
Yes this is a benefit you do not want to miss. Saturday, October 28, 2017, from 7pm until 9pm Emporium Wine will be hosing a fundraiser for the Lake Martin Animal Shelter. Tickets are $50.00 each and include complimentary wine glass. Tickets can be purchased at Emporium Wine or LMAS. All ticket sales from the event will be donated to the LMAS.
The Expo will feature approximately twenty five wines from the portfolios of Alabama Crown, Grassroots Wines, International Wines, Pinnacle Imports, Rush Wines, and United - Johnson Brothers.
Tee shirts will be sold exclusively at Downtown Girl and Alabama Street Makers Market. Tee shirts are $18-$21 ticket holders for the Expo will received a $10 discount on the tees.
Heavy hors d' oeuvres will be provided by Jakes and Jr's Sports Bar & Grill.
Sponsorships are available for $500 and $1000. Anyone interested in being a sponsor or for more information should contact Emporium Wine or Mia at the LMAS
Thanks to our many sponsors: Ricky and Melissa Albright, Jake's On Broad, Jimmy and Kathy Skinner, JR's Sports Bar and Grill, Satterfield Outdoor Living, Sparkle Window Cleaning, Tim and Pam Wellborn, USAmeriBank