Lake Landmark Dangers
Chimney Rock. Everyone loves to gather at this Lake Martin landmark. It is the place everyone meets up and ties up to visit with friends and party at the lake. Every summer hundreds make the treacherous climb to jump off the rock. It is a lot of fun. We recently ran across a Facebook post from Mac Daugherty and just had to share his words. Take a second to read below. Just think about it before you jump or you allow your kids to jump.
Chimney Rock is a Lake Martin Landmark
Words from Mac Daughtry
Every summer I am reminded of how many needless, avoidable tragedies have occurred at this place over the years. Over my past (34) years in law enforcement, I have responded to countless calls (usually at nearby marinas or cabins), along with numerous emergency agencies and ambulances, while waiting for the victims to be brought to shore, some with broken arms, shoulders, backs, necks, pelvic bones, and the list could go on and on. Those have been the lucky ones. On several occasions, I have witnessed that boat approaching, with that body bag on the front or that body wrapped in a white sheet. During one of those most recent tragedies a few years ago, my son and his brother-in law (a UAB Physician) were passing by, when they observed a (17) year old (no life preserver) jump from the rock, while his family watched from a nearby boat. Tragically, the young man plunged into the water and never surfaced. Numerous people jumped into the water (including my son and his brother-in-law) in an attempt to locate the victim, but to no avail. The victim's body was recovered by divers a couple of hours later. A short time later, I observed first hand the agony of a mother and father, as they stepped up into the ambulance and held the body of their precious, lifeless son. I have posted this for one reason, and that is to hopefully cause someone to just stop and ask the question - is it really worth taking that chance? I have no doubt that every victim probably thought that it could never happen to him or her, but history will attest to the fact that it can. God Bless, and stay safe.
Mac Daughtry currently serves as Chief of Security / Director of Trail Operations for Russell Lands, Inc., past (19) years.