7 Ways to Support Our Local Businesses
Downtown Alexander City
7 Ways to Support Our Local Businesses
We all have huge hearts for all of our communities surrounding Lake Martin. These will be some of the most difficult times our businesses will face. There are many ways we can each help. If each of us make a conscious effort we can together make a huge difference. Here are 7 ways we can all contribute to our local economies.
Order Curbside from Local Restaurants
Most all of our beloved eateries around Lake Martin are offering curbside take out. Click Here For Some Local Curbside Menus Remember they are adjusting to a whole new world so be patient. They employee a lot of people that depend on these jobs. Tip Nicely!!
Shop Local Businesses Online
A lot of our local shops are moving to online sales and will depend on these to see them through uncertain times. Click Here and Check out Downtown Girl. A really cute shop in downtown Alex City is doing a great job with a beautiful online shop. Wellborn Musclecar Museum has a really nice online shop. Click Here to see the Wellborn Shop. Many others are offering shopping on their instagram and facebook pages. A little support from each will go a very long way. Show them some love.
Shop Local Grocery Stores
It is tempting to beat the scary crowds and order online from the big box. When possible clean up, wash your hands and pop into the local groceries. There are a lot of employees in these stores that depend on their jobs. Some of the smaller groceries are also locally owned. The Piggly Wiggly in Alexander City and Eclectic have been rockin it!! Renfroes in Dadeville is owned by a local family too.
Say Thank You
Whether online or in stores remember these friends and neighbors are working under totally new circumstances in every way. Please be patient and say THANK YOU.
Social Media Support
Each person can shop and support a few businesses but every one of us can share and like local businesses’ online post. This goes a long way to help them market their stores. This cost you nothing. So share, like and comment kind words to all of our businesses!!
Stay at Home if You Do Not Feel Well
This seems silly to say but seriously please do not risk others’ health by going out when you do not feel well. Stay home and call on a friend for help.
Stay Positive on Social Media
The whole world sees our post. Lets be the community that stays positive. We hear enough negativity all day in the media. Lift each other up. Keep negative and especially political comments to yourself. Spread the love, the kindness and be the light. Be funny and flirty!! Sharing laughter and a post that puts a smile on someone’s face is a small deposit toward healing ourselves. muuuwah.